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Why choose
Jakarta Private Investigations?


Each case is handled by a specific team of qualified investigator suited to your needs.


All informations are bind by a confidentiality agreement and will be permanently terminated after 3 months of inactivity.


We will never knowingly place our operatives, clients nor target in any physical or personal danger or cause damage to their property.


We will liaise with clients to discuss and agree on strategies and mutually acceptable and workable reporting protocols.


No hidden cost or charge! We provide transparency since the initial stages of developing an investigation approach and as each case develops and unfolds.

Free Consultation

We are available 24/7 for a free consultation by phone or Whatsapp.

Find our dedicated services.

  • Due Diligence
  • Asset Tracing
  • PEV
  • Cheating Partner
  • Record Verification

What's client said about us.


Get in touch with us.

Jakarta Private Investigations

Menara BCA 50th Floor
Jalan M.H Thamrin No.1, Jakarta
10310, Indonesia

Telephone: (+62 21) 2358-4492

Phone: (+62) 811-7333-793

Whatsapp: (+62) 811-7333-793

Email: info@jakarta-detective.com

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